miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Hot spring waters, miraculos waters.

The ancient civilizations used the hot spring waters as a therapeutic measure or as a process for socializing.
The oldest evidence of buldings dedicated for this purpose date back to before 2000 BC in India. in acient Rome and Greece was considered a thermal bath ritual. Only in 1986 the hot spring waters were reported as an alternative tool for good physical and mental bath.

Types of hot spring waters.

There are two types of thermal waters depending on their geological origin, the magmatic and earthy.
The type of terrain displayed is one of the main differences between the two magmatic waters are born metallic or eruptive veins, while the telluric can appear anywhere.

The most commoly found in magmatic water are arsenic, boron, bromine, copper, phosphorus and nitrogen.
Telluric waters are usually bicarbonates, chlorides, lime and other salts. An important feature of the hot spring waters are that they are ionized.

There are two types of ions, the positive and negative. contrary to its name, the positive ions do not bring possitive benefits to human body, and conversely, are irritating, in contrast, negative ions have the ability to relax the body, the waters are loaded with negative ions.

Repeated bathing (especially in periods of 3 to 4 weeks) may help normalize the functions or the endocrine glands and the overall functioning of the autonomic nervous system of the body. There is also and improvement and stimulation of the immune system, mental relaxation, production of endorphins and refulation of gland fuction. many of these effects are due to consumption of the body of minerals such as carbon dioxide, sulfur, calcium and mangnesium.

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